Monday, October 19, 2020

Life's Attitude


We always talk about this person’s attitude is very nice, That person is very rude etc..But what is Attitude actually??

Our Attitude develops as per experience we face in our life; Its same way our human body develops as per the food we have taken throughout the life. Every human body behaves differently with the situations in life because of every person’s body has different kind of strength, immunity, weaknesses and we are seeing that in the live example of Covid-19.All countries have different symptoms and recovery rate because every country’s people exposed towards Corona differently so the results have variations in that. Same this way every person responds to the same situation differently .In same circumstances, same atmosphere, same facilities and knowledge few people gives the best outcome and may achieve a new milestone while few can just sit like that and find reasons to explain their failure ship.

So the question arises that what is the best attitude to carry? So that we can apply it in our day to day behavior towards every situation. For that first of all just clean your mind. We all have mind full with lots of thoughts. This thoughts are combination of positive and negative depending upon the good and bad experiences of life. So first, throw out all this garbage from your mind and don’t react the same situation which you had already faced in past with negative result. Think everything positively and try to find new ideas and new direction to see it. The best example of perfect attitude is ‘Lord Krishna”. They have faced so much in life but always carry a beautiful smile and their positive charisma everywhere. They teach us to see every situation with positive approach. Nothing is permanent in life. Neither Happiness nor Sorrows. So live a life with positive attitude!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Don't Limit Yourself!!!!


 Whenever we started thinking about our future goals,dreams which we want to fulfill,we start thinking in full speed but after some time the thought of problems or obstacles takes us to make full stop on it or postpone it.This thing often happens with all of us because we have actually decided our limit.We have thought that we cant cross this line or couldn't come over comfort zone but this is actually wrong.
If we more focus on the probability of getting success,the chances of winning then we don't get this kind of thoughts.The thoughts which decides your boundaries can decrease your potential,your ability ,your positive energy and at the end it leads towards failure.Don't hold yourself for anything because its always said that Its better to try then to leave and regret later.
Just start believe in yourself and take the steps towards your goal.Make your direction to the success and research on it,don't give your mind a chance to think about boundaries or limitations.After some time you realize that you are busy in thinking for how to achieve the best outcome and not about anything else .Your mind has stop thinking about any negative thought which were troubling you before.You can feel the change and the positive energy in yourself too.
When you begin to not self limit yourself then you can achieve impossible targets and unbelievable results.
Life is to feel proud and satisfy to be limitless and not for regrets so think in that way and start working!!!