Thursday, February 27, 2020


The most important strength of life are relations ..whether its in the name of your Parents,Your loved ones,Your friends etc.

If you start finding in your life that whenever you are upset,confused ,stressed,angry!! then whom you find to share your feelings!whom you ask when you don't find any solution of your problems!!
That person is a true relation of your life..

Just trust them and give freedom to your relations also so that they can grow up and stay always with you!!

Image result for relations

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Find What's Inside You

We always want to know what is going on outside,i mean what gossips,news activities etc happens around us is we found more interesting rather than what we feel from inside.

There is a lot more going on inside;Feelings,emotions,old wounds etc and we required to heal it properly so that we can live a healthy life.

We have regrets,painful past like things which we have to remove out and the things like beautiful memories,sweet moments etc have to keep very safe inside so that when we required them to boost ourselves ,we have them with the same freshness.

The painful things can hurt us for a so long that we cant come out of it and that affects our current life too ,often this converts into depression .Same as if we cant live our old good memories then we  miss to feel the magical sparks to come out in our eyes or the moment when we can get courage to fight to our darkest times.

Just take some time to identify yourself,the real you which is inside and that things will change the outside and the surroundings near you too!!

So try it today and feel the new you!

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