We all are in a position that we can't think much about our future ,what is happening around?? of course the curtsy goes to Corona!!
We all are under self lockdown or compulsory lockdown and the news we read everyday,the struggle we are facing in everyday life keeps our mind closed.We can't think even one additional thought to apply and so it's difficult to keep our mind active.
But every situation we face changes us and makes us more strong, independent and new way of thinking,new things to learn etc...and for that we have to keep our mind open,let the fresh air comes in .. windows always work both the sides,it let the old air comes out and new air comes in ..Same way if we let our mind open to accept new challenges,new situations and new ways of doing stuff ,it let goes out negative energy and less confidence..
I have seen one news about the ceremic business in Morbi was down from last few months.But due to lockdown and the virus which came from china ,people stopped ordering tiles from there and so the vendors in morbi get so much orders for that and their business goes up!!Our Pradhan mantri is also promoting"Atmanirbhar" this days which is actually very well said.
So be positive always and let prepare your self to face anything and begin working!!