Saturday, July 18, 2020

Open the windows of mind 🌄🌄🌄

I have read the quote and I thought we all really need this "Open the window of your mind ,let the fresh air comes in"!!!
We all are in a position that we can't think much about our future ,what is happening around?? of course the curtsy goes to Corona!!
We all are under self lockdown or compulsory lockdown and the news we read everyday,the struggle we are facing in everyday life keeps our mind closed.We can't think even one additional thought to apply and so it's difficult to keep our mind active.
But every situation we face changes us and makes us more strong, independent and new way of thinking,new things to learn etc...and for that we have to keep our mind open,let the fresh air comes in .. windows always work both the sides,it let the old air comes out and new air comes in ..Same way if we let our mind open to accept new challenges,new situations and new ways of doing stuff ,it let goes out negative energy and less confidence..

I have seen one news about the ceremic business in Morbi was down from last few months.But due to lockdown and the virus which came from china ,people stopped ordering tiles from there and so the vendors in morbi get so much orders for that and their business goes up!!Our Pradhan mantri is also promoting"Atmanirbhar" this days which is actually very well said. 

So be positive always and let prepare your self to face anything and begin working!!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Convert Your Obstacles into Opportunity

We all are often into the situation where we don't know why this thing happens to us!!we think that why this problem comes to me??why I need to face all this??etc..
But we forget about one thing that the toughest the situation u have the strongest you become.The definition of become stronger is how  strongly you face the problem and convert it into Opportunity or solve it cleverly..
Each obstacle comes across us takes ourselves to another level.Remember that diamond always shines brightly but for that it needs to cross the hardest process..Gold comes to a beautiful shape after going into the fire ..So we all needs to be in the difficult situation to be a confident and polished person who is not scared of anything.
Don't scare by challenges that makes a speed braker towards your goal and take it as a new way of re thinking..May be you need to make it better and god wants to make it best.When you have stones on your road then collect it and create an empire.That is the best way to answer.
Just think about your past when you have faced many difficult situations and when you come out of it ,you will realize about your journey and that will give you confidence to move became a better person who has more confidence , more ways opened for new ideas to come, more ways to solve the problems..
So never let your fear stop your journey and face your challenges bravery ♥️♥️♥️

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Life Begins at the end of your Comfort Zone❤❤❤

We all have always made a comfort zone surrounding us.But what actually this comfort zone means?It means to decide your boundaries,to limit your number of efforts,to make  small goals which can achieve very easily but not give us big results.
We don't have to do much hard work ,don't want to face any problems and just do a little work..This is the limitations we make and this is called "Comfort Zone".We live in this zone for many years and so it becomes habit for us so we can't have courage to break it easily.But the first step towards achieving big results is to break your comfort zone.

As for example if you want to get good scores in your exams then you have to sacrifice some hours of sleep.Its very difficult for some people to wake up early or to sleep late at night but if you did it then you will definitely score good marks.If you want to loose some weight then you have to leave your favorite food,have to do exercise which can give you body pain etc  but after that you can definitely see that magical transformation in yourself.

If you want to make your business successful then you need to create relations with so many people,come up with new ideas etc..but for this you need to settle so many appointments,have to do so much phone calls may be need to travel a lot and keep communicate with so many people..In all this it may happen that you cant get good response for so many days and this can break your courage..But you need to boost up yourself everyday,cant make yesterday failure to affect today's new beginning.This is how to break your  boundaries and come out from comfort zone..
May be you cant like to travel ,you don't want to reach more than 3-4 appointments in a day and this is your limitations so just try to do more then this.

When you became succeed doing more then your limits then you become limitless for yourself.That will be new beginning of your success journey.