The Great Scientist Albert Einstein once said this line that "Failure is Success in Progress" and it is the best inspirational line for all those who are keep trying but not getting success.
The person who tries and do hard work to get positive outcomes knows how it feels when you couldn't get success.This feeling leads us to sadness and depression so many times.
We all have gone through this face or we are already in this situation. Don't know what to do or how to start again??
This is the right time to boost up yourself again and tr again for what you have decided ,what your goal is to achieve.Remember if we did not tried anything,if we sit ideal then nothing comes out.Failure is an outcome of our trials .We have to identify our mistake,which point we left out ?what was needed?what things didn't work out?definitely you will get some answers .
I have read once that Half solution of a problem is already done when you know what the problem is!!Because when you start thinking about solutions something and something comes out in your mind to solve it.This is one kind of exercise for a brain and it helps a lot ahead to find the best path to fulfill your dreams and to achieve your success.
So just take failure as your opportunity to do it more perfectly and try again!Nobody can enjoy the happiness of success if he wouldn't test failure. Think and keep trying☺☺☺